There are two kinds of people in the world: those who eat PEEPS fresh from the package and a second group who believe stale PEEPS taste best. Why do they think stale PEEPS taste better? I don’t have any idea. But I do know that those who like stale PEEPS are fervent in their belief that the sugary marshmallow treats need to age a few days before being consumed.
PEEPS come in a variety of shapes and colors and are available most of the year, but I still think of those yellow marshmallow chicks as being the best part of an Easter basket. As a kid, it was hard to decide on the best way to eat a PEEP. Do you lick off all the sugar first? Do you bite off its poor little head? Do you just stuff the whole package of PEEPS into your mouth at once? I can tell you from experience that last option should be a no.
If you are a fan of PEEPS, you should head over to Great Wolf Lodge for their very first V.I.PEEP program. From April 1-21, guests of Great Wolf Lodge will receive a V.I.PEEP card, can take part in a PEEPS Plush Scavenger Hunt, and can create a PEEPS-themed craft. If you complete the scavenger hunt and PEEPS craft, you will be entered to win a giant PEEPS plush.
Has all of this talk about PEEPS given you a sweet tooth? You’re in luck. Just Born, Inc. has generously provided an assortment of their treats and a $25 Great Wolf Lodge gift card that we are giving away to one lucky person.
The prize package includes:
- PEEPS® Pink and yellow marshmallow bunnies
- PEEPS® Chocolate Dipped Mousse Flavored Marshmallow Chicks
- PEEPS® Chocolate Mousse Flavored Marshmallow Bunnies
- PEEPS® Large Marshmallow Bunny (adorned with a bowtie!)
- An assortment of the fan-favorite marshmallow chicks
- Dark chocolate dipped marshmallow chicks
- PEEPS® Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Chick
- Party Cake flavored marshmallow chicks
- 1 $25 Great Wolf Lodge Gift Card
How to Enter
Leave a comment below and tell us your favorite way to enjoy PEEPS. Do you like them fresh from the package? Are you in the stale PEEPS are best club? Do you nuke them in the microwave or do you chill them in the freezer?
Leave your comment by 11:59 pm PT on April 19, 2014. The winner will be selected in a random draw of all entries received. Limit of one entry per person per day.
Update: We have a winner! Congratulations to Laura S. who has won the PEEPS ans Great Wolf Lodge prize pack. Thank you to everyone who entered.
I love Peeps! Hope I win!!
Have you ever had Peeps smores? Yum!
We love great wolf lodge and peeps. The rabbit shaped ones are the best.
I eat them right out of the package!
I love peeps when they’re old. And we live great wolf lodge. Just got back from their pocono location yesterday!
Stale! I have some I’ve been aging for 2 years now. I think they’re almost ready.
I eat them straight out of the box
Eyes first, always!! I love Peeps, and especially love Great Wolf Lodge!!
I love eating them fresh from the package. I’m so happy that they’re not just around for Easter anymore. :)
I just tried the chocolate dipped peppermint Peeps over the holidays. They were wonderful! A new tradition is born.
Fresh PEEPS are the best
I can’t wait to have a Peeps donut from the Dunkin’ Donuts inside the Williamsburg lodge!
I must have stale PEEPS!
I love using peeps instead of marshmallows for rice krispie treats. It makes the treats sparkly!
I’ve never heard of that, but what a great idea!
My parents always swore that stale Peeps were the best. They had a science. The plastic on the Peeps had to be split open (but not removed) and the Peeps had to sit on the windowsill in the kitchen for two days before they were declared ready to eat. Two days was too long when I was a kid and perhaps, as a result, I prefer my Peeps fresh from the package. :)
We roast our peeps over a summer campfire! the sugar gets scalding hot, so be careful ;0)
The Peeps fresh from the package are my favorite.. I worked with someone who loved them super stale…
I eat so many PEEPS every Easter, until I make myself sick!!
Stale Peeps are the best!
Straight from the package
I will never forget the look on my daughters face the 1st time we microwaved a Peep. Priceless!
I love Peeps right out of the package. I’ll have to try freezing them. That sounds interesting.
I like my PEEPS stale
I’ve always liked yellow Peeps best. I know they don’t actually taste any different, but for some reason I prefer them!!
I want to try the blue raspberry flavor peeps this season.
I have never heard of eating stale Peeps before reading this post! I like mine fresh!
Stale PEEPS!!!
Stale Peeps are the best!
I eat them straight out of the box
I saw an ad on TV today for Mini Peeps!! Can’t wait to try those!!
peeps are great, fresh out of the pack or stale!
Fresh peeps!
Give me all the stale peeps!
We also like to “grow them” in the microwave
I like to let them get a little stale so they are crunchy.
Now I’m thinking peeps would be a great addition to hot chocolate! A little more fun than regular marshmallows.
I really liked the addition of Peeps to last year’s Gingerbread House at GWL! Glad they can be found for pretty much every holiday now!
I like fresh PEEPS
in my hot chocolate!!
I love fresh peeps
Stale PEEPS!
I like them fresh from the package!!
We tried the Peeps rice crispy treats!! great idea, thanks!!
I like my Peeps fresh
I want my peeps stale!
I must have my PEEPS stale!
I love the chocolate covered peeps.
fire roasted ;0)
Fresh from the package
I love my PEEPS stale!
We just found a new way to enjoy Peeps: fire roasted for a s’more!
I found another way to enjoy Peeps…. a Marshmallow Peeps scented candle!! It smells awesome!
I like them fresh
I want stale peeps!
Fresh PEEPS are the best
Stale PEEPS!
I like them melted on graham crackers
i really like them deep fried their amazing
So glad it’s almost Easter!! Can’t wait to see how many fresh Peeps I can eat!!
Fresh PEEPS!
Just enjoyed Peeps with my son in our Cocoa!
wow, the Peeps Bunny sounds pretty amazing!
I’m enjoying eating my Peeps while putting together the kids’ Easter baskets for tomorrow… hopefully there will be some left!!!