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Working from home over this past year has brought a few surprises. I’ve found that taking my dog for a walk in the middle of the day helps relieve stress. I realized that I can cook dinner on the smoker during the week because it is so easy to check on it between meetings. I also realized that I can follow meetings much better now that I’m wearing headphones at home.
It can be challenging to follow a conversation in an echo filled conference room. People often talk over each other. There are side conversations. Audio from the conference room speakers is difficult to hear at best. Wearing headphones has helped a lot with meetings, and I wondered if the same idea could work in regular situations.
Noopl is a new hearing enhancement accessory that works with your iPhone and AirPods Pro so you can hear clearly in noisy places. It uses some of the high-tech features in AirPods Pro like spatial audio and noise cancelling to block out the background noise and then highlights the audio wherever you are facing. It is much easier to connect with those around you when you can hear the nuances of the conversation.

I received a sample Noopl device to try with my AirPods Pro and iPhone, and I was pleasantly surprised with how well it helped me focus on conversations while in a noisy environment. For example, over the last year we started visiting our neighbors house for a game night. It has been fun to play cards or dominos and to get a little human interaction during these times of social distancing. The one challenge is that, at times, it has been difficult to hear the conversation because of the background noise. My neighbor often has his TV on in the background so that he can see the baseball game. Other times, they have music playing in the background. Noise from kids or dogs can also make it harder to hear the conversation, but everyday noises like a dishwasher or a loud refrigerator can be equally distracting.

Noopl is made for anyone who has difficulty hearing in noisy places. It uses the dynamic head tracking in AirPods Pro to sense where you are looking. To use the device, you just plug Noopl into your iPhone and then you put in your AirPods Pro. It is just that simple.
I like that Noopl uses the tech I already have, as it feels more comfortable and tends to blend right in. I just place my phone on the table and then Noopl tracks where my head turns. Background noise gets muted and the voice in front of me comes through clearly. It’s a smart use of technology.
As I look ahead to resuming in-person meetings again and frequent business travel, I see a lot of opportunities to use Noopl to hear more clearly. I attend several conferences throughout the year and hearing the presenter is always a challenge due to the noise from the audience. Conferences are always followed by cocktail hours at restaurants where it is extremely difficult to hear people in a crowded room. A device like Noopl will really help me tune out the clamor so that I can actually hear the person in front of me. When I think about returning to my open office environment, it gives me hope to think about how Noopl can help mute the background noise so that I can focus on the conversations that I want to hear.
When you get Noopl, it comes with a 90-day money back guarantee and a one-year warranty. If you’re like me and finding that it’s harder to hear some conversations, especially in noisy environments, give Noopl a try.